Rachel Anne

Born on Thursday June 5th, 2008 at 9:27am

Weight: 7lbs.14oz.
Both of our daughters were born at Best Start Birth Center. I had such a wonderful water-birth experience with my first daughter Christian (born on 9-27-2006) that I didn’t think twice about where I would go to deliver when I found out I was pregnant with Rachel. My labor with Rachel went very quick. I lost my mucus plug on Thursday morning around 4am. I told my husband Jason not to go into work that day after I started having short intense contractions. I called Roberta around 7am and told her what was up. She told me to come in. I called my mom, who lives about five minutes away, and told her to drive to our house to get my older daughter. After she arrived, Jason and I made the twenty minute drive down to the birth center. My contractions were very intense while on the road and I had to put my feet on the dashboard and couldn’t decide whether I wanted the A/C on or off. When we arrived at Best Start, my water broke as I was preparing to get out of the car. My husband helped me inside and I was immediately taken to birthing room #1 (the one to the right of the main entrance). I was already 9 cm dilated! The tub was quickly filled and I thankfully “dove” into the soothing warmness of the big Jacuzzi tub. Both times I have given birth; the experience has been the same: the warm water takes away all the intense uncomfortable feelings that come with the contractions. My husband sat by the side of the tub and Roberta and other midwives helped me while I pushed and delivered a beautiful baby girl at 9:27am (We had only been at the center for about a half an hour!) The center requires a stay of 4 hours after the birth of the baby, so I spent the time nursing Rachel while Jason filled out paperwork and called family. My mom came with my daughter and younger brother who was about to graduate from high school the next day. My daughter reacted well to the new baby. All in all I had a great experience and I thank everyone who helped me! I am also thankful to God for his rich blessings and for allowing me to have a healthy delivery with no complications. Thank you Best Start! – Marlena & Jason

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